gardening in the woods

Within our gardens are several “destination structures.”   The functional purpose of these structures is as each of their names implies, a peaceful repose to view the gardens.  The Lookout, the Overlook, the Pavilion, the Swing, and a few seating areas are all designed to give the garden visitor a tranquil place of respite.  From that perspective, these structures have a purpose.  The Wishing Well has no purpose, other than a whimsical addition to compliment the gardens.

To stabilize the two-post frame, iron pipe railings prevent any wiggle.  

The addition of two small gardens on each side of the well bring everything home.

Any respectable well must have a well house.  A two-post timber frame structure was erected in traditional raising fashion and roofed with simulated slate shingles, (as employed on all garden building structures, as well as the house).

To present a functional display, the well house is equipped with a heavy-duty winching assembly, well pulley, and wooden bucket.  Suspended in the vaulted ceiling is a 16” diameter sphere, just for grins.  And, near the inside well surface, are nine floating trays with an assortment of coins to express the tradition. 

Obviously, wishing wells are often presented as garden décor and represent that familiar, traditional image.  Most often, wishing wells and fountains offer the opportunity for some type of water feature, with glittering coins submerged by hopeful well-wishing patrons.  Opting for simplicity and minimal maintenance, our well is dry.

Our gardens are divided into two general sections on either side of the house: the west side and the east side.  The placement of the Wishing Well between these two large garden areas, with the addition of a long, connecting walkway, guides the visitor between them.

The well is constructed on a concrete pad, surfaced with paving stones.  The well is laid up using tumbled blocks having 15 degree angled sides, such that twelve blocks fit together, forming a complete circle about 4’ in diameter.  A stack of ten layers constitutes a 3’ high, dry-laid well. 

We all have certain furnishings in our homes that do nothing but sit there and look pretty.  The Wishing Well and statuary within the gardens accent the whole, just as jewelry adorns an attractive woman.